July 2, 2024
Why Writing Things Down to Manifest Works?

Have you ever dreamt of something with all your heart, only to have that burning desire fade away unfulfilled? We all have. But what if I told you there was a simple, age-old practice that could bridge the gap between wishing and Wirklichkeit (German for "reality")? The answer is in harnessing the power of the […]

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June 30, 2024
Outsmarting the Not-So-Wise Guy: Why Your Brain Needs a Tune-Up

Have you ever felt like you're in a constant tug-of-war with your own mind? You set a goal, fired up and ready to crush it, but then a mysterious force throws sugary snacks and reruns of reality TV your way? That sneaky culprit? Your brain. Our brains, these magnificent lumps of gray matter, are wired […]

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June 19, 2024
Is There a Fine Line? Manifesting Between Abundance and Greed

The concept of conscious manifestation, particularly concerning money and material possessions, prompts consideration regarding its ethical implications in societal contexts. Here, we'll look at some viewpoints on manifesting financial resources and material goods, alongside the ethical dilemmas inherent in such practices. The discourse will extend to evaluating the advantages and drawbacks associated with manifestation practices, […]

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June 17, 2024
Find Your True Self: Steps to Happiness and Personal Growth Through Reinvention

Feeling stagnant and desiring a rejuvenation of oneself? The act of reinventing oneself can serve as the gateway to a myriad of new opportunities. This article offers a comprehensive guide, delineating the process of self-reinvention, commencing from delineating one's objectives and principles to immersing oneself in a positive ambiance. Partaking in this transformative expedition is […]

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June 13, 2024
The Invisible Ties: What Are Etheric Cords?

Have you ever felt inexplicably drained after an interaction with someone? Or maybe you can't seem to shake the feeling of a past relationship, even though it's long over. These experiences could be related to unseen energetic connections called etheric cords. Etheric cords are energetic threads that link you to others on a deeper level. […]

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May 30, 2024
What is Karma? (12 Laws to Follow)

Karma is a Sanskrit word that translates to "action." It's an ancient concept originating in India, but found throughout various Eastern philosophies like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It refers to the universal law of cause and effect, applied to the choices we make and the resulting consequences. In simpler terms, karma suggests that our actions, […]

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May 28, 2024
Aura: A Portal to Energy and Wellbeing

Have you ever walked into a room and sensed a powerful energy, or felt instantly drained by someone's negativity? These subtle interactions may be due to the aura, an unseen energy field that surrounds every living being. Often referred to as the biofield or energetic body, the aura is a dynamic emanation that reflects our […]

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May 23, 2024
Law of Detachment: Letting Go for Greater Gain

Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a dream, only to watch it fizzle out? Or maybe you're constantly striving for that next promotion or that picture-perfect relationship, only to find yourself feeling perpetually frustrated and unfulfilled? We often get caught in a relentless pursuit of outcomes, leaving us feeling stressed, anxious, and […]

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May 10, 2024
The Multiverse Within: Beyond the Physical

Have you ever experienced a feeling of knowing that defies logical explanation? These experiences, along with practices like astral travel and meditation, hint at the existence of dimensions beyond our physical world. While some may interpret dimensions as existing in a linear, spatial sense, within the context of consciousness, dimensions represent states of being. We […]

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August 2, 2023
The Seen & Unseen of Manifestation

Through our eyes, we witness the celestial spectacle of the sun's ascent and descent, the moon's cyclical transformation, and the stars adorning the nocturnal canvas, we are compelled to inquire about the profound forces that governs the cadence of manifestation? Seeking the Forces Governing Manifestation What lies beneath these conspicuous phenomena, governing the rhythm and […]

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